ECCE Council

About us

About Our Organization


The ECCE Council was conceived in the NKEA Lab which was held from 1 June to 30 July 2010. Under
the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP), education was identified as one of the areas that can
raise the Gross National Income (GNI) of Malaysia to enable it to become a developed country by 2020.
Under education, early child care and education was acknowledged as one of the four areas that can
contribute towards the achievement of this aspiration of Malaysia. Datuk Dr Chiam Heng Keng, Mr
Cheah Eng Khoon, Mr V.E. Elanjelian, Mr Mikel Liow and Ms Patricia Teh were members of the NKEA

EPP1 Ramping of Early Child Care and Education, one of the initiatives under education, identified 7
enablers for it to achieve its target of incremental GNI of USD 1.2 billion by 2020. One of the enablers
is the setting of an ECCE Council for the governance of the ECCE industry. On 2 August 2010, after the
conclusion of the NKEA lab, a working committee was formed with the five members of the NKEA Lab
forming the core of the Committee. The other members were: Datuk Shamsiah Abdul Rahman (who
resigned later due to other commitments), EnciK Azmil Khuzaid Zakaria, Puan Shamsinah Shariff and
Rozita Kamil. Later, Puan Fakhriah Hanim binti Mahfudz was incorporated for the secretariat work.
Professor Chiam was the Chairman of the Working Committee.

Early childhood educators from 9 states met on 6 November to agree on the establishment of the ECCE
Council and examined the constitution prepared by the Working Committee. The constitution was
accepted with minor amendments. The following protem members were elected:

President: Datin Prof Dr Mariani Md. Nor
Vice President : Ms. Carolyn Choo
Hon Secretary : Dr. Christy Tong Hoey Chin
Asst Hon Sec: Ms. Revati A/P Ramakrishnan
Hon Treasurer : Mr. Cheah Eng Khoon
Asst Hon Treasurer: Ms. Karen Tan Chiew Jhong
Committee Members:
Dr. Esther Yong Siew Nget
Ms. Patricia Teh Ewe Bai
Ms. Monica Leena Rajaretnam
Pn. Noor Syahiza Bt. Mohammed
Ms. Wong Jol Ann
The Early Childhood Care & Education Council (ECCE Council), an initiative under the Economic Transformation Programme, was established on 30 December 2010 to serve the interest of the ECCE industry. Its main function is for the professionalization of ECCE and quality control as well as to form a link between the industry and relevant government bodies and agencies at all levels.

The Council has three main roles:

• Conduct campaigns to increase awareness of quality ECCE to operators, teachers and parents.
• Lobby decision making bodies.
• Network with local and global relevant bodies.

Professional Certification
• Award professional certification to early childhood educators.
• Develop child development index.
• Set quality standard and certify childcare centres and preschools.
• Provide referrals and consultancy.
• Collaborate with MOE, MOHE, JKM and other relevant government agencies/ministries.

Professional Development
• Provide guidelines for pre-service and in-service training programmes.
• Conduct R&D and publish materials for professional development.
• Conduct need analysis.
• Monitor training institutes.

Objectives of the Council
To promote the well-being and development of children in their early years through the provision of professional and quality early child care & education by:

1. Serving as a link between the government and the ECCE industry.
2. Setting standards and guidelines to raise the professionalism of private ECCE educators, and certifying those who met standards.
3. Promoting professional development and creating career pathways for ECCE educators.
4. Enhancing the quality of private ECCE services through certification of childcare centres and preschools.
5. Assuring that private training programmes meet standards for professional certification.
6. Raising awareness of the importance of quality and professionalism in ECCE.

1. All early childhood educators, that is childcare providers and preschool teachers, would have at least a Diploma in Early Childhood Education accredited by MQA or equivalent.
2. At least 80% of Early Childhood Educators are members of the ECCE Council.
3. Rating schemes for childcare centres, preschools and ECCE training institutions.